Postural Rehabilitation Seminars

Postural Rehabilitation Seminars
Canine Training Series
Introduction to Postural Rehabilitation
Canine Postural Rehabilitation
Canine Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
Equine Training Series
Introduction to Postural Rehabilitation
Equine Postural Rehabilitation
Equine Basic Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
Equine Advanced Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
SemInar Fees
Introduction to PR $ 1500
Canine PR $ 1500
Equine PR $ 1500
Canine PR Techniques $ 1800
Equine PR Techniques $ 1800
Equine Advanced Tech. $ 1800
Download Registration Form Here!
Class size is limited to 16 for Intro, Canine PR and Equine PR, to 8 for Canine or Equine PR Techniques.
Seminars run from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM daily with breaks for meals. Breakfast, lunch, beverages and snacks are served on site daily. A seminar dinner is given on Saturday night. The food is healthy and exquisite (Click to see comments about food!). Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions when you register.
The program is held at Dr. Shoemaker’s practice, Always Helpful Veterinary Services located at:
Fincastle Farm
305 Nottingham Road
Nottingham, PA, 19362
For information on registration, call Robin: (484) 885- 0321
For questions about program content, e-mail or call Dr. Gellman at (607) 227-5406
Seminar Descriptions
Introduction to Postural Rehabilitation
The introductory seminar is for both equine and small animal practitioners. It has a high proportion of scientific content, to give a solid background in the biological basis of the clinical techniques. We focus on the structure and function of the upper cervical region and the related biomechanics of locomotion. Individual and group instruction on correct practitioner body mechanics and function are an essential part of this module. Approved for 25 CE hours.* 3:11 Intro Syllabus.pdf
Canine Postural Rehabilitation
Small animal practitioners learn about the contributions of the stomatognathic system and distal extremities to posture. We spend a day on canine bite and skull malformations, and a day exploring the structure and function of the distal extremities. Focus on effective handling techniques provides significant improvement in clinical skills for diagnostics and treatment. Approved for 25 CE hours.* See Canine Postural Rehabilitation Syllabus.
Equine Postural Rehabilitation
Equine practitioners learn about the contributions of the stomatognathic system and distal extremities to posture. We spend a day on equine dentition, a day on hoof balance and participate in dissections to explore the relationship of structure and function. Focus on effective handling techniques provides significant improvement in clinical skills for diagnostics and treatment. Approved for 25 CE hours.* 11:12 Equine PR Syllabus.pdf.
Canine Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
Each participant has an individually tailored tutorial session to learn the basic postural reprogramming techniques. Positive coaching interaction and hands on practice provide opportunities for each participant to develop the skills taught, and integrate case management concepts. Approved for 25 CE hours.* See Canine Postural Rehabilitation Techniques Syllabus.
Equine Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
Each participant has an individually tailored tutorial session to learn the basic postural reprogramming techniques for the front end of the horse. Positive coaching interaction and hands on practice provide opportunities for each participant to develop the skills taught, and integrate case management concepts. Approved for 25 CE hours.* See Equine Postural Rehabilitation Techniques Syllabus.
Equine Advanced Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
Each participant has an individually tailored tutorial session to refine their basic postural reprogramming techniques, and learn new ones for the hind end of the horse. Positive coaching interaction and hands on practice provide opportunities for each participant to develop the skills taught, and integrate case management concepts. Approved for 25 CE hours.* Similar schedule to Basic Techniques.
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Copyright 2007 Karen Gellman DVM, PhD and Judith M. Shoemaker DVM. No materials from this website maybe used for any purpose without permission.