What people are saying about Postural Rehabilitation

What people are saying about Postural Rehabilitation
The first PR seminar, in March 2006, was given to an invited audience of friends and colleagues who are well known as teachers and practitioners of CAVM modalities: Peggy Fleming, Willie McCormick, Kerry Ridgeway, Allen Schoen, Cheryl Schwartz and Gayle Trotter.
Here are some excerpts from their evaluations:
•This was transformational!
•I found the seminar to be super. I really wished that I had taped the entire thing. Definitely valuable +++.
•The seminar was terrific, practical and thought provoking. I am strongly suggesting my junior associate take PR rather than -----’s seminar this year. I think Karen, Judith and Liz have ultimately more to teach. We are talking serious compliments here, given that ---- is one of the top three equine speakers in the world.
•It gave bottom line preventative care, great manipulation techniques.
•Content was very relevant to everyday practice and all lameness/performance horse musculoskeletal work.
•The “re-set” work was very useful; trying to get back to ground zero position.
November 2006 Equine Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
“Postural Rehabilitation turned out to be an integrator for the other complementary disciplines I have studied. I learned how to look at form and movement in a new way. I also learned about the importance of my own body as a tool to achieve results more efficiently. This was a fun and enlightening experience”.
“ This course brought together several complex modalities in a comprehensive manner. It supported its concepts and theories with research based evidence and presented the student with a tight package of highly useful energy and exercises to improve the welfare of the horse.”
“ This course has been a beautiful and profound experience. The postural techniques have made my work much more effective and lasting, and have helped me to become more self-aware and observant while I work. It’s given me the ability to be more intimate and have a better understanding of the animals I work with. Thank you forever!”
“ Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and research with us--I use what I’ve learned DAILY in my work. It’s awesome!”
March 2007 Introduction to Postural Rehabilitation
“This will enhance what I do in every way.”
“There are things for everyone to apply to their practice, whatever it is.”
“The content has enormous practical usefulness--both for my small animal work and for my horse farm.”
“Many thanks to Liz for incorporation of the Alexander Technique.”
“Anything that can extend my longevity adjusting is appreciated!”
“Judith’s practical awareness, experience and ease of explanation is wonderful. Her willingness to meet us where we are and invite us to do more was a great gift.”
July 2007 Equine Postural Rehabilitation
“I highly recommend this to anyone who is serious about animal chiropractic.”
“One of the most informative and practically applicable seminars for understanding the complexity of equine biomechanics.”
“ I have found this seminar to be exceedingly useful and thought provoking-- to the point of reassessing my views on many issues.”
“Nice interplay and balance between all speakers.”
July 2007 Equine Postural Rehabilitation Techniques
“A wonderful opportunity for hands on work--Judith’s hands on mine was transformational!”
“Professional growth was expected. What I am so thrilled about is the personal growth--both immediate and future growth is evident.”
“I can use it daily, not only with my practice, but with my passion for showing horses.”
“Instructors truly wanted us to ‘get it’. I really feel this has been a valuable learning experience. I wasn’t prepared to learn as much as I have.”
“Good is the enemy of Great. I want to schedule my ‘greatness’ through ongoing education and improved experience. Thanks for being great!”
“The Postural Rehabilitation series opened my eyes in a global way of how to approach and work with horses. Whatever techniques are applied, Dr. Shoemaker gives you the foundation of how gravity affects locomotion and balance, the importance of good farrier work and dentistry, and how to connect with the horse in a respectful way. Thank you so much!”
September 2007 Canine Postural Rehabilitation and Techniques
“It was HUGE to realize that I could use my body in a way that increased my sensitivity and strength in treating patients, and at the same time, not be fatigued or compromised myself.”
“As I grow as a clinician and as a person, it’s nice to know there are people here I am ‘sympatico’ with-- the program developed strong personal bonds, hopefully, lasting ones.”
October 2007 Introduction to Postural Rehabilitation
“This taught me how to work less to achieve more!”
“The information in this seminar is invaluable to balancing horses-- I would rather keep a horse well than wait for them to break down.”
“I am absolutely loving the new techniques--and so are my patients!”
“This seminar has given me more gentle tools to adjust and refine my technique.”
“Liz was fantastic! My private session with her was the highlight of my weekend. I’ve been trying to find ways to establish balance in myself for many years and I think Alexander Technique will be a very important piece of that progress.”
“I felt this weekend gave me the tools to be a better chiropractor and a more aware human being. I am so excited to apply what I have learned at the barn and in my own life.”
“This gave me new eyes to look at the standing horse and a whole new input on lameness and injury causes.”
“I learned better self awareness, and better restraint and handling techniques.”
“Liz was fantastic!! I got everything I’d hoped to get from the private session with her.”
“Many great, new ideas for me. Great energy and passion.”
November 2007 Equine Postural Rehabilitation
“Love the biomechanics!”
“Hopefully, I’ll be able to be more effective for the horse and less damaging to myself.”
“Thanks to Lee for the dental education!”
“ I want to tell you how much I am enjoying the course. You all are so dedicated and so enthusiastic and generous. A paradigm shift is mildly disconcerting but very enlivening, and that's what you all are delivering. I thank you.”
“My practice is primarily small animal, but evaluating pitch and tilt on a large animal will make it far more obvious to see in a small animal. I am really looking forward to increasing performance potential in my foals.”
“This seminar helps integrate the tools we already have.”
“Lee and Liz are wonderful!”
“Thanks to all for the great educational experience!”
“The physical atmosphere and comfort of the venue is top notch--the attention to detail is inspiring.”
Many, many comments from course evaluations...
to be updated soon!!