The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is "postural rehabilitation" for humans. It is a simple and effective way in which to learn how to move with greater efficiency and ease, improving the over-all use of ourselves including kinesthetic awareness and the improvement of balance and breathing. Through gentle hands-on guidance, a teacher helps us to restore our natural coordination, freeing the body and mind to work in harmony. In learning how to pay attention to ourselves we can discover new ways to respond to the world around us, revitalizing ourselves through daily life rather then being drained by it. The Technique has become a vital part of training for many athletes and performers around the world as well as an essential tool in the assistance of our everyday lives. For more information, or to find a teacher, go to
During Postural Rehab training, we use Alexander Technique in two ways. First, to allow the practitioner to experience the same coherent relationship with gravity that they are trying to impart to their patients. Second, to ensure that the practitioner learns to work with ease, so that they can avoid injury and fatigue. This is done through group explorations, private lessons and hands on guidance during training.
What is Alexander Technique?
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Copyright 2007 Karen Gellman DVM, PhD and Judith M. Shoemaker DVM. No materials from this website maybe used for any purpose without permission.